API Definitions

Reducing the complexity of SAP integration

Our API definitions follow best practice and are layered on top of our Data Provider Classes. These APIs are REST enabled and can be configured to use different authentication schemes based on your requirements.


All APIs can be viewed using Swagger / OAS3 (standards), we can also provide a postman collection with examples to help your development teams understand how the APIs are designed and can be called.


API Types

Profile Management

We have APIs for handling user defaults: Date, Decimal, Language, Time zone etc. These make sure you can display data from SAP in a way that the user expects.

We have also included a mechanism for extracting and updating the SAP user parameters (these are defaults set by user in SAP) - these can be used to ensure only relevant data based on user preferences are shown e.g. Plant, Sales Org.

Master Data

We provide APIs for common master data objects so that these can be used across your composite applications. Examples include plants, equipment categories, equipment types. Depending on the object type we offer either read and search or full CRUD capabilities.

Note that APIs are developed based on project functionality and are not fully featured APIs that can replace Cloud Platform Integration (CPI)